Advanced technology products trade with USA
Suomeksi - in Finnish


General Advanced Technology Product Definitions
(1) Biotechnology (2) Life Sience (3) Opto-Electronics (4) Information & Communications (5) Electronics (6) Flexible Manufacturing (7) Advanced Materials (8) Aerospace (9) Weapons (10) Nuclear Technology

Share of Advanced technology products in USA's2021/5
Export to Georgia3.7 14.3 14.7 00
Import from Georgia0.8 23.3 0.4 00
Trade in Goods with Georgia2.9 15.2 10.8 00

Table: USA's export of advanced techology products to Georgia (GE) during 5/2021 -9/2021

million $%million $%million $%million $%million $%
01. Biotechnology 03.8 00.9 672.0
02. Life Science 021.7 01.8 113.8
03. Opto-Electronics 00 05.0 00.3
04. Information & Communications 151.5 889.7 112.4
05. Electronics 00 00.8 00
06. Flexible Manufacturing 01.2 00 00.8
08. Aerospace 021.6 00.7 00.8
10. Nuclear Technology 00.2 01.0 00
Sum 2 100 9 100 8 100

Source: US Census Bureau

Table: Advanced technology products import from Georgia (GE) during 5/2021 - 9/2021)

million $%million $%million $%million $%million $%
01. Biotechnology 018.3 00 00
02. Life Science 038.0 198.0 079.3
03. Opto-Electronics 035.8 00 00
04. Information & Communications 03.7 01.5 020.7
05. Electronics 00 00.2 00
06. Flexible Manufacturing 04.2 00.3 00
Sum 0 100 1 100 0 100

Source: US Census Bureau

Year level of Advanced Technology Products (ATP)

Year 2021 January - September (ATP)

Year level (Sitc)

Data of last published months (Sitc)

Year 2021 January - September (Sitc)

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