Export of goods from Finland and import to Finland CPA (Classification of Products by Activity)
Suomeksi - in Finnish

Table: Import to Finland from Virgin Islands of the United States and Finland's export to Virgin Islands of the United States in product groups (CPA)*)

*) CPA = Classification of Products by Activities
1,000 €%1,000 €%1,000 €%1,000 €%1,000 €%1,000 €%1,000 €%1,000 €%
C MANUFACTURED PRODUCTS2097.16100.01296.79100.0490.84100.0478.413,825100.0
C 14 Wearing apparel362.1
C 15 Leather and related products115.8
C 26 Computer, electronic and optical products1045.27361.42
C 27 Electrical equipment1313,823
C 28 Machinery and equipment n.e.c.5
C 32 Other manufactured goods1045.31188.5
A-X ALL GROUPS21100610012100910051004100510013,825100

Source: Finnish Customs

Links to various pages that meet different foreign trade data classifications on Finland's exports to Virgin Islands of the United States and imports from Virgin Islands of the United States to Finland

The Quarterly Order Page

Countries and report alternatives