Export of goods from Finland and import to Finland SITC (Standard International Trade Classification)
Suomeksi - in Finnish

Finland's export and import: Undefined country, extra trade (QZ) 2023 Q3

Undefined country, extra trade

Undefined country, extra trade

Table: Finland's Export to Undefined country, extra trade (QZ)

Q3 / 2023Q3 / 2022Muutos edellisestä
vastaavasta kaudesta
1,000 €%1,000 €
9. Goods not classified elsewhere 0.. 196
93. Special transactions and commodities not classified 0.. 196..
All groups combined 0.. 196..

Source: Finnish Customs

Undefined country, extra trade

Table: Import from Undefined country, extra trade (QZ)

Q3 / 2023Q3 / 2022Muutos edellisestä
vastaavasta kaudesta
1,000 €%1,000 €
9. Goods not classified elsewhere 54,458100.0 37,855
93. Special transactions and commodities not classified 54,458100.0 37,85543.9
All groups combined 54,458100.0 37,85543.9

Source: Finnish Customs

Links to various pages that meet different foreign trade data classifications on Finland's exports to Undefined country, extra trade and imports from Undefined country, extra trade to Finland

The Quarterly Order Page

Countries and report alternatives