Export of goods from Finland and import to Finland BEC (Broad Economic Categories)

E7 countries: Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Russia, Türkiye
Suomeksi - in Finnish

E7 countries trade flows with Finland by BEC*) product sections in January 2024

*) The standard of statistical classification of BEC (Broad Economic Categories) is upheld by the UN and it is based on SITC-nomenclature.

E7 countries

E7 countries

Table: Finland's exports under the BEC classification to E7 countries in January 2024

1 / 20241 / 2023Change from previous
year's equal month
1,000 €%1000 €
1. Food and beverages 12,2132.1 17,887-31.7
11. Food and beverages, primary 1450.0 529-72.5
111. Food and beverages, primary, mainly for industry 00 0..
112. Food and beverages, primary, mainly for household consumption 1450.0 529-72.5
12. Food and beverages, processed 12,0672.0 17,359-30.5
121. Food and beverages, processed, mainly for industry 8,2341.4 11,506-28.4
122. Food and beverages, processed, mainly for household consumption 3,8340.7 5,853-34.5
2. Industrial supplies not elsewhere specified 334,32656.7 381,172-12.3
21. Industrial supplies not elsewhere specified, primary 22,9253.9 22,1393.6
22. Industrial supplies not elsewhere specified, processed 311,40052.8 359,033-13.3
3. Fuels and lubricants 2370.0 1,985-88.0
31. Fuels and lubricants, primary 2180.0 448-51.3
32. Fuels and lubricants, processed 190.0 1,537-98.7
322. Fuels and lubricants, other 190.0 1,537-98.7
4. Capital goods (except transport equipment), and parts and accessories thereof 211,74335.9 304,962-30.6
41. Capital goods (except transport equipment) 139,24723.6 218,437-36.3
42. Capital goods (except transport equipment), parts and accessories 72,49612.3 86,525-16.2
5. Transport equipment and parts and accessories thereof 15,2502.6 12,73719.7
51. Passenger motor vehicles 530.0 522-89.8
52. Transport equipment, other than passenger motor vehicles 2,1770.4 6,401-66.0
521. Transport equipment, other than passenger motor vehicles, industrial 2,1770.4 5,492-60.4
522. Transport equipment, other than passenger motor vehicles, non-industrial 00 909..
53. Transport equipment, parts and accessories 13,0202.2 5,814123.9
6. Consumer goods not elsewhere specified 14,9602.5 11,42730.9
61. Consumer goods not elsewhere specified, durable 1,2170.2 1,263-3.7
62. Consumer goods not elsewhere specified, semi-durable 4,0130.7 4,525-11.3
63. Consumer goods not elsewhere specified, non-durable 9,7301.7 5,63972.5
7. Goods not elsewhere specified 6390.1 3..
All groups 589,368100.0 730,173-19.3

Source: Finnish Customs

E7 countries

Table: Imports under the BEC classification from E7 countries (G-E7) to Finland in January 2024

1 / 20241 / 2023Change from previous
year's equal month
1,000 €%1,000 €
1. Food and beverages 18,5372.4 13,87333.6
11. Food and beverages, primary 9,5581.2 7,62025.4
111. Food and beverages, primary, mainly for industry 7,0050.9 5,17035.5
112. Food and beverages, primary, mainly for household consumption 2,5530.3 2,4494.2
12. Food and beverages, processed 8,9791.2 6,25343.6
121. Food and beverages, processed, mainly for industry 4180.1 63563.6
122. Food and beverages, processed, mainly for household consumption 8,5611.1 6,19038.3
2. Industrial supplies not elsewhere specified 260,83133.7 423,068-38.3
21. Industrial supplies not elsewhere specified, primary 45,5495.9 57,019-20.1
22. Industrial supplies not elsewhere specified, processed 215,28227.8 366,049-41.2
3. Fuels and lubricants 3,1810.4 81,515-96.1
32. Fuels and lubricants, processed 3,1810.4 81,515-96.1
322. Fuels and lubricants, other 3,1810.4 81,515-96.1
4. Capital goods (except transport equipment), and parts and accessories thereof 273,43835.3 324,317-15.7
41. Capital goods (except transport equipment) 203,39526.3 231,788-12.2
42. Capital goods (except transport equipment), parts and accessories 70,0439.0 92,529-24.3
5. Transport equipment and parts and accessories thereof 75,2109.7 92,218-18.4
51. Passenger motor vehicles 21,2072.7 13,91452.4
52. Transport equipment, other than passenger motor vehicles 6,5300.8 19,688-66.8
521. Transport equipment, other than passenger motor vehicles, industrial 5,1470.7 6,453-20.2
522. Transport equipment, other than passenger motor vehicles, non-industrial 1,3840.2 13,235-89.5
53. Transport equipment, parts and accessories 47,4726.1 58,616-19.0
6. Consumer goods not elsewhere specified 133,26817.2 159,409-16.4
61. Consumer goods not elsewhere specified, durable 30,8874.0 32,005-3.5
62. Consumer goods not elsewhere specified, semi-durable 76,7039.9 100,197-23.4
63. Consumer goods not elsewhere specified, non-durable 25,6783.3 27,207-5.6
7. Goods not elsewhere specified 10,2221.3 1,285695.8
All groups 774,688100.0 1,095,685-29.3

Source: Finnish Customs

Links to various pages that meet different foreign trade data classifications on Finland's exports to E7 countries and imports from E7 countries to Finland

The Monthly Order Page for Country Groups

Country groups and report alternatives