Advanced technology products trade with USA
Suomeksi - in Finnish


General Advanced Technology Product Definitions
(1) Biotechnology (2) Life Sience (3) Opto-Electronics (4) Information & Communications (5) Electronics (6) Flexible Manufacturing (7) Advanced Materials (8) Aerospace (9) Weapons (10) Nuclear Technology

Share of Advanced technology products in USA's2021/5
Export to Honduras4.4 4.7 3.4 00
Import from Honduras0.0 0.0 0.1 00
Trade in Goods with Honduras2.4 2.4 2.0 00

Table: USA's export of advanced techology products to Honduras (HN) during 5/2021 -9/2021

million $%million $%million $%million $%million $%
01. Biotechnology 01.7 14.8 314.6
02. Life Science 26.9 28.0 29.8
03. Opto-Electronics 00.8 00.8 01.3
04. Information & Communications 2185.7 2081.2 1469.7
05. Electronics 13.3 13.1 13.1
06. Flexible Manufacturing 01.4 01.0 00.9
07. Advanced Materials 00.1 00.2 00.1
08. Aerospace 00.1 01.0 00.5
09. Weapons 00.0 00 00
Sum 24 100 24 100 20 100

Source: US Census Bureau

Table: Advanced technology products import from Honduras (HN) during 5/2021 - 9/2021)

million $%million $%million $%million $%million $%
01. Biotechnology 00 08.4 016.4
02. Life Science 058.2 082.0 016.2
04. Information & Communications 041.8 07.9 012.1
06. Flexible Manufacturing 00 01.8 055.3
Sum 0 100 0 100 0 100

Source: US Census Bureau

Year level of Advanced Technology Products (ATP)

Year 2021 January - September (ATP)

Year level (Sitc)

Data of last published months (Sitc)

Year 2021 January - September (Sitc)

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